
Call Of Duty açılmıyor, nasıl açabilirim? - Sayfa 8

Güncelleme: 25 Kasım 2015 Gösterim: 47.627 Cevap: 71
Misafir - avatarı
17 Mayıs 2014       Mesaj #71
Misafir - avatarı
oyunu yükledim açilırken bu mesajı verip kapanıyor
Error during initialization:
Sponsorlu Bağlantılar
Couldn't load fileSysCheck.cfg. Make sure Call of Duty is run from the correct folder.
acil yardım
mısafır - avatarı
25 Kasım 2015       Mesaj #72
mısafır - avatarı
----- Initializing Renderer ----
execing ragdoll.cfg from disk
Sponsorlu Bağlantılar
----- Client Initialization -----
----- Client Initialization Complete -----
Trying SMP acceleration...
----- R_Init -----
Getting Direct3D 9 interface...
Pixel shader version is 3.0
Vertex shader version is 3.0
Shader model 2.0 code path is available.
Shader model 3.0 code path is available.
Using Shader model 3.0 code path because it is the best available path on this hardware.
Attempting 1024 x 768 fullscreen with 32 bpp at 60 hz
Game window successfully created.
Creating Direct3D device...
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0
Loading fastfile code_post_gfx
Loading fastfile ui
Loading fastfile common
Initializing render targets...
Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
DirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
Initializing static model cache...
Initializing dynamic buffers...
Initializing particle cloud buffer...
Creating Direct3D queries...
Loading fastfile 'code_post_gfx'
used 1.13 MB memory in DB alloc
Setting initial state...
DirectX reports 64 MB of video memory and 687 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 48 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 1 on most textures, 1 on normal maps, and 1 on specular maps
Waited 122 msec for asset '$default' of type 'material'.
Waited 87 msec for asset 'light_corona' of type 'material'.
Waited 22 msec for asset 'shadowcookieblur' of type 'material'.
Waited 171 msec for asset 'shadowcaster' of type 'material'.
Waited 0 msec for asset 'shadowoverlay' of type 'material'.
Waited 1 msec for asset 'stencilshadow' of type 'material'.
Waited 0 msec for asset 'stencildisplay' of type 'material'.
Waited 69 msec for asset 'cinematic' of type 'material'.
Error: Could not load material "water_droplet".
Error: Could not load material "water_dynamic_spray".
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0

------- sound system initialization -------
Loading fastfile 'ui'
used 39.48 MB memory in DB alloc

Error during initialization:
Unhandled exception caught

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Benzer Konular

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