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mhmmdcngz 10 Ekim 2012 19:10

Giuseppe Verdi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the 19th century composer. For other uses, see Verdi (disambiguation).

Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (Italian pronunciation: [d͡ʒuˈzɛppe ˈverdi]; 10 October 1813 – 27 January 1901) was an Italian Romantic composer, mainly of opera. Musically, he was part of European Romanticism, and was one of the most influential composers of the 19th century. His works are frequently performed in opera houses throughout the world and, transcending the boundaries of the genre, some of his themes have long since taken root in popular culture – such as "La donna è mobile" from Rigoletto, "Va, pensiero" (The Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves) from Nabucco, "Libiamo ne' lieti calici" (The Drinking Song) from La traviata and the "Grand March" from Aida.
Verdi’s masterworks dominate the standard opera repertoire a century and a half after their composition.

Misafir 26 Aralık 2012 20:05

Ya arkadaslar bizede yeni verildi bu ödev bulduysanız lütfen söyleyin 0 almak isstemiorum çeviriden yapıncada çok karışık oluyor hayatı ile ilgili 10 soru 10 cevap:( :( yardım edinnn :(

Misafir 9 Mayıs 2013 22:59

arkadaşlar bana hayatı ile ilgili soruar lazım

_Ceyda_ 9 Mayıs 2013 23:28

Karl Benz

Karl Friedrich Benz (born November 26, 1844, Karlsruhe – April 4, 1929, Ladenburg) was a German mechanical engineer and engine designer.
Benz is known as the inventor of the gasoline-powered car's widely. The other German contemporaries inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach worked simultaneously on the same project, but with Benz's work before, and then the internal combustion cars provide all processes the applicability of patent. Karl Benz patented the first engine designed in 1878, 1879.
Benz in 1885 produced to sell the world's first petrol engine car, and produced the Motorwagen. Three wheel motor in this car returned back, from the front, was full of passengers. Among other inventions, carburetor, throttle\/brake system, ignition system, the spark plug, a battery, electrostatic kıvılcımlanmayla clutch, gear change system, and radiator.
In 1896, Karl Benz boxer-type engine has designed and patented the same year. This engine is used as a basic design principle is still leading motorsports.

DarkEvil 26 Aralık 2013 19:08

Ünlü bir bilim adamının hayatını İngilizce olarak paylaşır mısınız?
Arkadaşlar Performans Ödevi Verildi Bu Konu İçinde Ünlü Bir Bilim Adamının Hayatı İngilizce Olaramk Yazılacak Ama Arkadaşlar Lütfen Kısa Olsun Yarına Gidecek Bide Resim Eklermisiniz Lütfen :)

BEYZA NUR ÖZGÜL 13 Mayıs 2014 16:06


Misafir 18 Mayıs 2014 10:57

ya lütfen performans ödevi

essra 22 Mayıs 2014 20:14

ingilizce bilim adamları
3 tane bılım adamı hayatı ve ıngılızce yazılımı:P:P

Mimeleksafir 28 Ekim 2014 18:12

ingilizce ünlü bir kişinin hayatı
ya ingilizce istiyorum

sevimliafacan 8 Mart 2015 14:38

Türk bilim adamlarından birinin hayatını İngilizce anlatır mısınız?
Türk bilim adamlarından birinin hayatını İngilizce anlatır mısınız?

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