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halil gelgi 22 Aralık 2013 22:54

kişisel özellikler

Misafir adlı kullanıcıdan alıntı (Mesaj 2267425)
arkadaşlar kişilik özellikleri ile ilgili 20 tane cümler kurarmısınız

Paul is tall and slim with blonde hair. He's about twenty-five and is wearing a suit.
Mandy is in her thirties and is rather fat. She has dark, curly hair and is well-dressed.
Emma is middle-aged and is about 162 cm tall. She has short, wavy, blonde hair and wears glasses. She is slim and is wearing a dress.
Pamela is about twenty-four and is of average height. She has a good figure and has long, dark hair. She is wearing a jumper, jeans and a pair of boots.
Ken is middle-aged and is of average height. He is well-built with short, dark hair. He is wearing a suit.
Brian is an elderly man who is short and fat. He is bald and wears glasses. He is wearing a jacket.
Timothy is a teenager with short, curly, dark hair. He is about 160 cm tall and has freckles. He is wearing a jumper, jeans and a pair of trainers.
Caroline is about seventeen with short, blonde hair. She is very tall and thin and is wearing a short skirt and a blouse.

Saat: 08:14
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