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Misafir 28 Nisan 2011 14:37

used to ile ilgili 15 er tane olumlu ve olumsuz ve soru cümleleri örnekleri verirmisiniz çok acele lütfen

Misafir 3 Mayıs 2011 15:07

hani ner de used to ile ilgili cümlereler

Misafir 5 Mayıs 2011 21:44

ı used to smoke (ben sigara içerdim)

Misafir 9 Mayıs 2011 19:38

1- used to cry I was little ...
(ben küçükken ağlardım)

2- I was little I used to play with toys
(ben küçükken oyuncaklarla oynardım)

I am very naughty as a child, I would
(ben çocukken çok yaramazlık yapardım)

(He didn’t use to smoke last year)
(o geçen yıl sigara kullanmıyordu

The Eniqmatic 9 Mayıs 2011 19:56

Used to (-erdi, -ardı)

Bu yardımcı fiil geçmişte düzenli olarak yapılmış olan ama şimdi yapılmayan eylemleri ya da geçmişte varolmuş olan ama şimdi artık varolmayan durumları anlatmak için kullanılır. İçinde “used to” kullanılmış olan cümlede bahsi geçen eylemin artık yapılmadığını ifade etmek için ayrıca “artık” (anymore) kullanılmaz. Fakat anlam kendiliğinden, bahsi geçen eylemin artık yapılmadığı şeklinde oluşur.

v I used to be a student at that school five years ago. (Bu cümleden, kişinin artık o okulda öğrenci olmadığı anlaşılır.)

v My brother used to smoke when he was young. Ama artık içmiyor.

v I used to play football when I was at high school.

v I didn’t use to be a waiter at this restaurant last year[. (Ama şimdi garsonum.)

v Jack didn’t use to wear a suit when he was a student.

v My sister didn’t use to know much about animals before she watched documentaries.

v Did you use to help your father when he was working on his car?

v Did Fred use to travel by bus or by train when he was working in your company?

v Who used to cook when you were married?

Would (-erdi, -ardı)

Bu yardımcı fiil “used to” gibi geçmişte düzenli olarak yapılan eylemleri anlatmak için kullanılır. Wouldstative verbs (be, think,have, imagine…) ile kullanılmaz.

v When they were children, they would get up early and go for a swim.

v Whenever I was bored, I would go to the mountain.

v My grandfather was a generous man. He would share what he had with everyone else.

v We would used to have a lot of money.

Be Used to Be Accustomed to (Alışkın Olmak)

“Be used to” alışkın olma anlamında kullanılır ve içinde bulunulan durumu anlatır. Bundan başka aynı ifadeyi vermek için “be accustomed to” ve ”get used to/ get accustomed to” kalıpları kullanılır. “Be used to” ve “accustomed to” aynı anlamda kullanılır. İki ifadeden sonra da isim (noun) veya fiilimsi (gerund) kullanılır.

v Sally is used to life in the country. (noun)

v I am used to working hard. (gerund)

v Our son is getting accustomed to getting up early.

v I wasn’t used to studying when I was at high school .

v I’m used to driving on the left since I’ve been living in London for 5 years.

v I was used to driving on the left when I was in England

v I think I will be used to living in this city.

v I can get used to seeing your face. (joke)

v I’m accustomed to tradition in this country.

v She quickly became accustomed to his funny way

v I'm not accustomed to being treated like this

v My eyes slowly got accustomed to the dark

Misafir 15 Mayıs 2011 20:56

ıccıcıkta soru bulsanız

The Eniqmatic 15 Mayıs 2011 21:01

I used to be a student at that school five years ago .

v My brother used to smoke when he was young. Ama artık içmiyor.

v I used to play football when I was at high school.

v I didn’t use to be a waiter at this restaurant last year .

v Jack didn’t use to wear a suit when he was a student.

v My sister didn’t use to know much about animals before she watched documentaries .

v Did you use to help your father when he was working on his car?

v Did Fred use to travel by bus or by train when he was working in your company?

v Who used to cook when you were married?

Gece Prensesi 15 Mayıs 2011 21:02


Misafir adlı kullanıcıdan alıntı (Mesaj 2089506)
ıccıcıkta soru bulsanız

Used to ile cümle kalıbı

Used to soru cümle kalıbı (did ile)

Did we use to watch the ships on the river?

Didthe woman use to make soup every morning?

Did they use tostudy
their lessons?

Used to soru cümle kalıbı (used başa alınarak)

Used weto watch the ships on the river?

Used the woman to make soup every morning?

Used they to study their lessons?

Misafir 16 Mayıs 2011 13:51

sed to ile ilgili cümleler nasıl?

Misafir 20 Mayıs 2011 13:57


could ile ilgili olumsuz cumleler ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi istiyorum
could ile ilgili olumsuz cümleler istiyorum lütfen....... :(

Saat: 17:12
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