
Hi-LaL - avatarı
12 Aralık 2008       Mesaj #3
Hi-LaL - avatarı
Bazı hurafelerin ingilizce açıklaması aşağıdadır.
Kırmızı ile işaretlediğim kısım tırnak kesme ile ilgili mesela..

  • Walking under a ladder will bring bad luck
  • If a person breaks a mirror, he will have bad luck for seven years or somebody in his family will die. To prevent this, pieces of the broken mirror should be buried immediately.
  • If a black cat passes in front of you, it will bring bad luck.
  • If someone hands a cutting utensil, like a knife or scissors, directly to someone, they will fight. To prevent a fight, the giver should put the utensil on the ground, a table, desk or chair, so the receiver can pick it up.
  • You should get out of the bed from the right side so that your day starts well.
  • You should enter your house with your right foot so you will have happiness in your house.
  • A shop owner enters his establishment with his right foot so he’ll get good business.
  • You should not cut your nails at night. Turkish people believe that you will shorten your life for shortening your nails at night.
  • You shouldn’t whistle at night because it brings evil.
  • You shouldn’t sweep your house at night. Sweeping at night brings poverty to the house.
  • Washing clothes on Saturday brings bad luck.
  • If a woman with a headache enters a mosque and sweeps it with her scarf, her headache will go away.
  • If a dog barks during the call for prayer, someone in the neighborhood will die.
  • If you light a cigarette with a candle, a sailor will die at sea.
  • If you see a snake on your way somewhere, it’s a sign of good luck.
  • If you measure a baby’s length, the baby will remain short.
  • If a person steps over a baby, it’s considered bad luck since babies are assumed to be angels.
  • If a young girl wears a married man’s ring, she will have bad luck in her marriage.
  • If a woman eats eggs during her pregnancy, her child will be very naughty.
Here are a few superstitions specific to particular regions:
In Corum, people believe one who can eat pomegranate without dropping the pieces will go to heaven. In Eceabat and Canakkale, people place a spoon into the Kasikci Baba (a Turkish holy man)’s tomb, so that their wishes will come true.