
pesimist - avatarı
25 Aralık 2010       Mesaj #53
pesimist - avatarı
Misafir adlı kullanıcıdan alıntı

lütfen bana when vw while ilgili örnekler

Misafir adlı kullanıcıdan alıntı

when,while ile ilgili örnek cümle lazım ..10ar tane cmle....ama when yada while hem ortada hem başta olarak bir cmle sayılırsa iyi olurr...

  • He was doing my homework while he was sleeping.
  • The alarm clock stopped when he came.
  • He was sitting in the sun and reading his book while his children were swimming.
  • They were sitting in the cafeterin , when I walked in.
  • I was cleaning the blackboard.
  • I was thinking of her, while she was away.
  • When I broke my leg, I was playing footbal.
  • They meeting while they were working in Paris.
  • I met them in the street while I shopping.
  • I reading my book, when the telephone rang.