
kurdele - avatarı
6 Nisan 2013       Mesaj #5
kurdele - avatarı
Bana bu konunun devamını 20 soruya tamamlarsanız seviniriim Msn Happy

1-can you introduce yourself ?
my name is sinem,my surnem is kobal.Iam 1.73 meter.Iam 53 kilos.My horoscope is virgo.

2-What is the most interesting film for you ?
it is kelebek etkisi

3-What is your first series that you played ? and how old were you when you first play at the series ?
Iwas 13 years old

4-Are you merried ?
I am fiance

5-What is his name ?
his name is arda

6-What is his surname ?
his surname is turan

7-What is your last film that you play ?
It is Romantik Komedi 2

8-Whic films did you act ?
Romantik komedi,okul,ayakta kal,dünyayı kurtaran adamın oğlu

9-Wich series did you ?
Dadı,küçük sırlar

10-Whic team will his played next season ?
cevap :

devamında 10 soru ve cevap lazım lütfen yardım edin 8.sınıf ögrencisiyiiim