
23 Nisan hakkında İngilizce olarak bilgi verir misiniz?

En İyi Cevap Var Güncelleme: 23 Nisan 2019 Gösterim: 8.639 Cevap: 2
Misafir - avatarı
24 Nisan 2010       Mesaj #1
Misafir - avatarı
23 Nisan hakkında İngilizce olarak bilgi verir misiniz?
EN İYİ CEVABI Efulim verdi
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23rd April Children’s Festival is a children’s festival that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic, bestowed to Turkish children and that has been celebrated among countries since 1979. The first celebration of it was held on April 23rd, 1920, when the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) was founded. It is organized so as to improve the feelings of fraternity, love and friendship among children and also to contribute to a world, where they will live in peace.

The greatest dream of Atatürk, who saved his country from occupations, realized revolutions in almost every field and thanks to this changed the point of view of his nation, was modernization, namely a country that has become industrialized, has a strong middle class and where modern people are dominant. He considered this important as democracy functions well in all modern countries that have a strong economy. Atatürk knew that industry was weak in the Republic he founded and therefore, he tried to achieve modernization through the revolution of education and thus entrusted Turkey to the children and young people. However, he knew that modernization could not be immediately achieved. So, he envisaged that his ideal could be achieved by children educated at schools depending on positive sciences. He believed in his people and he was a man who lived what he believed. This is the main philosophy of 23rdApril. As it can be seen now, educated young people who have improved themselves have made significant contributions to the modern Turkey. Turkey of today has developed in years and joined the group of modern countries.

When 1979 was declared as the World Children’s year by United Nations, Tekin Özertem, the director of children’s programs of TRT Ankara Television, and his assistant Canan Arısoy embarked on a project aiming at embracing all the children of the world. Upon the approval of the project by the TRT executives, organization work went underway. So the first celebration of TRT International 23rd April Children’s festival was performed in Turkey on April 23rd, 1979, with the participation of 5 other countries; USSR, Iraq, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria. Now, the celebration of TRT International 23rd April Children’s festival is performed with the participation of about 50 countries each year. The celebrations were performed in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, from 1979 to 2000. After this year together with Ankara some other major cities such as İzmir, İstanbul and Antalya also hosted the celebrations.

Nane Annan, who is the wife of United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, took part in the celebration on April 23, 2000 as an honorary guest. Mrs. Annan was invited to deliver a speech. She said she was very happy to be in Turkey and participate in the celebrations, passing on her husband’s greetings. Mrs. Annan also invited the entire world to say “yes for all the wishes of children”. After this speech, “The common declaration of the children from 40 countries”, which was prepared by children in the international Children Committee held on April 18th, was read in English and Turkish. This declaration was presented to Nane Annan to pass it on to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Children aged between 8-14 participate in the international festival. The program covers the period between approximately April 16th and April 26th. Each country group is made up of an about 20 children and 6 leaders. Guests arrive in the cities where the organization will be held by April 15th. For each group TRT assigns a guide. Guides enable the coordination between the group leaders. Each group, through primary education schools, is housed by a host family with their peer Turkish friends in a warm and affectionate environment in the city where the festival is held. In this way, the children of the world recount the positive traits of Turkish people to their own families and friends when they return to their countries. This certainly makes Turkish people happy. The festival begins with a festival parade every year. In the procession children, in their national outfits, play their traditional music and dance on the largest street of the city. Later, guest countries perform outdoor shows in big parks, and unit with Turkish people. The festival week goes ahead with children’s visit to the mausoleum of Atatürk, the great leader who awarded this festival to children, in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. After this visit, children are accepted by the President of the Republic of Turkey, the President of Turkish National Grand Assembly, and the General Director of TRT.

On April 22nd all children participating in the festival come together for the rehearsal of the gala. On the big day, April 23rd, TRT 23rd April Children’s festival gala is performed. In the gala, which lasts about 4 hours and is broadcast live, all countries in their national outfits perform their 3- minute- national shows with their music to Turkish audience.

The gala goes ahead with the passing on the greetings that children have brought along from their countries, and ends with a collective hand-in-hand dancing of all the flowers of the world united with a peace sentiment accompanied by a universal song. On April 24th and 25th through a picnic and an excursion the friendship and brotherhood/sisterhood of all children reach the peak. These activities promote Turkey and contribute to the image of hospitable Turkish people. On April 26th now sad hours for children have come. Guest groups, bursting out with tears, begin to return to their countries, leaving behind their Turkish brothers / sisters but taking the peace and friendship with them. So an emotion flood, the festival week, comes to an end.
Son düzenleyen Safi; 23 Nisan 2019 14:57
fadedliver - avatarı
24 Nisan 2010       Mesaj #2
fadedliver - avatarı
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Children's Day Festival (English:International April 23rd Children's Day Festival; Turkish: Uluslararası 23 Nisan Çocuk Şenliği) is a festival which is celebrated on April 23rd each year in Turkey. This festival is gathering the children from all over the world under the motto of "Love, Friendship and Peace". The festival is organized by Turkish Radio and Television Corporation.
Sponsorlu Bağlantılar
The 23rd April Children’s Festival a children’s festival which was gifted to Turkish children by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Republic of Turkey, to mark the opening of the Assembly. The festival has been celebrated internationally since 1979. The Children’s Festival was first celebrated in Turkey on 23rd April 1920, when the Turkish Grand National Assembly was opened. The Festival intends to contribute creation of a world where children can live peacefully by developing sentiments of fraternity, love and friendship.
The greatest aspiration of Atatürk, who saved his country from occupations and introduced reforms in all fields hence changing the viewpoint of the nation it was modernization, in other words, an industrialized country that the industry of the Republic which it was founded on was out of date and poorly equipped, Ataturk endeavored to achieve modernization through educational reform, and thus entrusted Turkey to the children and the youth. Atatürk knew that modernization could not be achieved in a rapid way; therefore, he presumed that the Turkish children educated at schools resting upon positive sciences could attain his goals. He believed his nation and lived for what he believed. This is the main philosophy of the 23rd April. As can be seen,the educated children and youth have made great contributions to the creation of modern Turkey. Present-day Turkey has evolved over the years and has attained a level of a modern state.
As UNESCO proclaimed 1979 as the International Year of the Child, director of children’s programmes of TRT Ankara Television Tekin Özertem and his assistant Canan Arısoy developed a project aimed at embracing all the children in the world. Upon approval of the project by top executives of the TRT Corporation, preparations for the organization commenced. Thus, the first celebration of TRT International 23rd April Children’s festival took place on 23 April 1979 in Turkey, with participation of five countries, namely the USSR, Iraq, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria. Today, TRT International 23rd April Children’s festival is celebrated every year with participation of approximately 50 countries. From 1979 to 2000, celebrations were performed in the capital city Ankara. In the following years, celebrations took place in Turkey’s various major cities such as İzmir, İstanbul and Antalya. Nane Annan, spouse of the former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, became the honorary guest of the celebrations on 23rd April 2000. In her speech at the gala, Mrs Annan expressed her pleasure at participating in the celebrations and passed greetings from her spouse Kofi Annan. Mrs. Annan also called on the entire world to say “Yes” to the aspiration of children. After her speech, “the common declaration of the children from 40 countries”, which was approved by the children at the International Children’s Congress on 18th April, was read in English and Turkish. The declaration was presented to Mrs. Annan to hand it over to Kofi Annan. Children aged between 8 and 14 attend the international 23rd April children’s festival. The program approximately covers a period from 16 to 26 April. The invited groups are made up of nearly 20 children and 6 executive leaders. By 15 April, guests arrive in the city where the celebrations will take place. TRT appoints a guide for each group and the guides enable coordination with group leaders. Through primary schools in the festival city, each group is entertained by families of their Turkish peers in a warm and affectionate environment. In this way, children of the world recount positive traits of the Turkish nation to their own families and friends when they return to home countries. Doubtlessly, this makes Turkish people gratified. Festival Week begins with a Festival Parade. During the parade, guests wear their traditional outfits, perform their traditional music and dance on the largest street of the city. In the following days, guest countries perform outdoor shows in large parks and embrace with Turkish people. Festival week continues with the children’s visit to the mausoleum of Atatürk, the great leader who gifted this festival to Turkish children. Then, the children are welcomed by The President of the Turkish Republic, President of the Turkish National Grand Assembly, and Director General of TRT.
On 22nd April, all the children gather to rehearse the gala. When the big day comes, the gala of the TRT 23rd April Children’s Festival takes place. In the gala, which lasts nearly four hours and is broadcast live, all the groups wear their national costume’s and present three-minute performances accompanied with their traditional music.
The gala continues with the children convey the greetings that they have brought from their home countries, and ends with a hand-in-hand dance of all the flowers of the world embraced in sentiments of peace and friendship. Through picnics and excursions on 24th and 25th April, the unison and fraternity of the world and Turkish children reach the peak. These activities contribute to the promotion of Turkey and the hospitable Turkish people. When the last day arrives 26th April, sad hours for children have come. Bursting into tears, they begin to return to their home countries; leaving behind their Turkish brothers and sisters, but taking along peace and friendship with them. In a flood of emotions, the festival week comes to an end.
Son düzenleyen Safi; 23 Nisan 2019 14:58
Efulim - avatarı
24 Nisan 2010       Mesaj #3
Efulim - avatarı
Bu mesaj 'en iyi cevap' seçilmiştir.
Biraz kısa değil ama inceleyiniz


23rd April Children’s Festival is a children’s festival that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic, bestowed to Turkish children and that has been celebrated among countries since 1979. The first celebration of it was held on April 23rd, 1920, when the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) was founded. It is organized so as to improve the feelings of fraternity, love and friendship among children and also to contribute to a world, where they will live in peace.

The greatest dream of Atatürk, who saved his country from occupations, realized revolutions in almost every field and thanks to this changed the point of view of his nation, was modernization, namely a country that has become industrialized, has a strong middle class and where modern people are dominant. He considered this important as democracy functions well in all modern countries that have a strong economy. Atatürk knew that industry was weak in the Republic he founded and therefore, he tried to achieve modernization through the revolution of education and thus entrusted Turkey to the children and young people. However, he knew that modernization could not be immediately achieved. So, he envisaged that his ideal could be achieved by children educated at schools depending on positive sciences. He believed in his people and he was a man who lived what he believed. This is the main philosophy of 23rdApril. As it can be seen now, educated young people who have improved themselves have made significant contributions to the modern Turkey. Turkey of today has developed in years and joined the group of modern countries.

When 1979 was declared as the World Children’s year by United Nations, Tekin Özertem, the director of children’s programs of TRT Ankara Television, and his assistant Canan Arısoy embarked on a project aiming at embracing all the children of the world. Upon the approval of the project by the TRT executives, organization work went underway. So the first celebration of TRT International 23rd April Children’s festival was performed in Turkey on April 23rd, 1979, with the participation of 5 other countries; USSR, Iraq, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria. Now, the celebration of TRT International 23rd April Children’s festival is performed with the participation of about 50 countries each year. The celebrations were performed in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, from 1979 to 2000. After this year together with Ankara some other major cities such as İzmir, İstanbul and Antalya also hosted the celebrations.

Nane Annan, who is the wife of United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, took part in the celebration on April 23, 2000 as an honorary guest. Mrs. Annan was invited to deliver a speech. She said she was very happy to be in Turkey and participate in the celebrations, passing on her husband’s greetings. Mrs. Annan also invited the entire world to say “yes for all the wishes of children”. After this speech, “The common declaration of the children from 40 countries”, which was prepared by children in the international Children Committee held on April 18th, was read in English and Turkish. This declaration was presented to Nane Annan to pass it on to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Children aged between 8-14 participate in the international festival. The program covers the period between approximately April 16th and April 26th. Each country group is made up of an about 20 children and 6 leaders. Guests arrive in the cities where the organization will be held by April 15th. For each group TRT assigns a guide. Guides enable the coordination between the group leaders. Each group, through primary education schools, is housed by a host family with their peer Turkish friends in a warm and affectionate environment in the city where the festival is held. In this way, the children of the world recount the positive traits of Turkish people to their own families and friends when they return to their countries. This certainly makes Turkish people happy. The festival begins with a festival parade every year. In the procession children, in their national outfits, play their traditional music and dance on the largest street of the city. Later, guest countries perform outdoor shows in big parks, and unit with Turkish people. The festival week goes ahead with children’s visit to the mausoleum of Atatürk, the great leader who awarded this festival to children, in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. After this visit, children are accepted by the President of the Republic of Turkey, the President of Turkish National Grand Assembly, and the General Director of TRT.

On April 22nd all children participating in the festival come together for the rehearsal of the gala. On the big day, April 23rd, TRT 23rd April Children’s festival gala is performed. In the gala, which lasts about 4 hours and is broadcast live, all countries in their national outfits perform their 3- minute- national shows with their music to Turkish audience.

The gala goes ahead with the passing on the greetings that children have brought along from their countries, and ends with a collective hand-in-hand dancing of all the flowers of the world united with a peace sentiment accompanied by a universal song. On April 24th and 25th through a picnic and an excursion the friendship and brotherhood/sisterhood of all children reach the peak. These activities promote Turkey and contribute to the image of hospitable Turkish people. On April 26th now sad hours for children have come. Guest groups, bursting out with tears, begin to return to their countries, leaving behind their Turkish brothers / sisters but taking the peace and friendship with them. So an emotion flood, the festival week, comes to an end.
Son düzenleyen Safi; 23 Nisan 2019 14:59
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