
Lionheart / Kelsey Leigh

Güncelleme: 7 Nisan 2007 Gösterim: 2.258 Cevap: 1
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4 Nisan 2007       Mesaj #1
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Lionheart / Kelsey Leigh
Universe: Marvel Universe
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Real Name:
Kelsey Leigh
: Captain Britain
: Secret
: Adventurer
: U.K.
Place of Birth
: England, U.K.
Known Relatives
: Mrs Shorr (mother), Martin Leigh (son), Jenny Leigh (daughter)
Group Affiliation:
: Unrevealed
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Super strength, reflexes, a level of invincibility and flight. The Sword Of Might, gives Kelsey the ability to form energy blasts or shields.
Kelsey was attacked by thugs who tried to rob her. Kelsey's husband was too afraid to act against the thugs, however Kelsey tried to fight back, which lead to her becoming physically scarred. The event led to Kelsey's marriage breaking up. Kelsey began to bring her children up as a single mother, her son idolizing heroes such as Captain America. During a battle between the Wrecking Crew and the Avengers, Captain America was knocked unconscious. Kelsey grabbed the Captain's shield and used it to deflect an attack from Thunderball. The impact of the attack killed Kelsey.
Seeing her herioc act, Brian Braddock gave her the opportunity to live again and the choice to choose between the Amulet Of Right or the Sword Of Might. Kelsey chose the sword and she was transformed into the new Captain Britain. However, as the sword represents the path of violence, Brian informed her she could never reveal herself to her children.
Kelsey accepted a postion on the Avengers, helping them to defeat Morgan Le Fay and to stand up against the new Invaders team. Kelsey even protected Captain America again, this time from a crazed She-Hulk, however this led to Kelsey being hospitilised. After recovering, Kelsey left the Avengers and returned to England, taking up the name Lionheart.

Biyografi Konusu: Lionheart / Kelsey Leigh nereli hayatı kimdir.
P.u.S.u - avatarı
7 Nisan 2007       Mesaj #2
P.u.S.u - avatarı

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