
Gün Nedir? - Tek Mesaj #5

Safi - avatarı
19 Şubat 2016       Mesaj #5
Safi - avatarı
gün ingilizcesi

1. day.
2. daytime, day.
3. sun.
4. daylight, sunlight.
5. day, time.
6. day, days, time, times, period.
7. happy days, better times, days of happiness.
8. special day, feast day.
9. a woman´s at-home day.
10. date (a given point of time).
–lerce for days.

–ün adamý
1. man of the hour, man of the day.
2. a man for all seasons.

– aðarmak for day to dawn, for dawn to break.
– aðarmasý daybreak, dawn.

– almak /dan/
1. to get an appointment (from).
2. to have passed (a certain age) by (a specified number of days).

– atlamamak not to miss out a day.
– batmasý sunset, sundown.

–ün birinde
1. one day, some day.
2. once, at one time in the past.

–lerden bir gün once upon a time.
– bugün. colloq. Now is the time.
– doðmadan neler doðar. proverb A lot can happen between now and then.

– doðmak
1. for the sun to rise, for day to dawn.
2. /a/ (for someone) to have an unexpected opportunity or stroke of fortune.

–ünü doldurmak
1. to complete a period of time.
2. fin. to fall due, mature.

– durumu astr. solstice.
–leri gece olmak /ýn/ to fall on evil days, meet with misfortune.
–ü geçmek /ýn/ (for a woman´s period) to be late.
– gibi açýk/aþikâr altogether clear, very clear, manifest.
– görmek to see happy days.

–ünü görmek
1. to come to a bad end; to suffer for one´s errors.
2. /ýn/ to see (one´s grown-up offspring) living a happy life.
3. to menstruate, have one´s period.

– görmemek to know nothing but unhappiness.

– görmez
1. (place) which doesn´t get any sunlight, sunless.
2. (someone) who never gets out in the sun.

– görmüþ
1. (someone) who has seen better days.
2. experienced.

–ünü görürsün! I´ll show you!/You´ll get what´s coming to you!/You´ll get your just deserts!
– göstermek /a/ to make (someone) live happily.
–ünü göstermek /a/ to show, punish (used as a threat).
–den güne/
– günden from day to day, gradually.

–ü gününe
1. day by day.
2. to the very day.

–ünü gün etmek to be really enjoying oneself, be having a real good time, be having a hell of a good time.
–ü gününe uymamak to be capricious, be fickle.
– ýþýðýna çýkmak to come to light; to become clear.
– kavuþmak/inmek for the sun to set/go down, for night to fall.
– koymak /a/ to put aside a day, assign some time (for).
– ola harman ola. colloq. One day its time will come.
–leri sayýlý olmak to be near death.
–ünü/––lerini saymak to be waiting for death.
– sürmek to live prosperously.
– tutulmak for the sun to be eclipsed.
– tutulmasý astr. solar eclipse.
– tün eþitliði astr. equinox.
– yapmak (for women) to be at home to guests.

–ü yetmek
1. (for something) to fall due, be due.
2. (for one´s last hour) to be at hand.
3. (for a woman) to fill up her term of pregnancy.