
Yer Nedir? - Tek Mesaj #14

Safi - avatarı
23 Mart 2016       Mesaj #14
Safi - avatarı
yer ingilizcesi

1. place; spot; position; location: Kandilli fevkalade güzel bir yer. Kandilli is an extraordinarily beautiful place. Senin yerin burasý. This is your place./This is where you´re to be. Eðlence yeri deðil burasý; ciddi bir iþyeri. This isn´t a place you come to in order to amuse yourself; it´s a place where business is transacted in a serious way. Yerimde olsaydýn ne yapardýn? If you´d been in my shoes what would you have done? Feramuz Paþa´nýn tarihteki yeri pek önemli sayýlamaz. Feramuz Pasha´s place in history cannot be reckoned an important one. Bu evin yeri hoþuma gidiyor. I like this house´s location. Aðrýnýn yerini daha iyi tarif edemez misiniz? Can´t you describe more clearly where the pain is?
2. space, room: Otobüsün arka tarafýnda yer yok. There´s no room in the back of the bus.
3. (a) seat; (a) room: Matine için iki yer ayýrttým. I´ve reserved two seats for the matinée. Lokantada dört kiþilik bir yer buldum. I found a table for four in the restaurant. Bu otelde boþ yer yok. This hotel has no vacant rooms.
4. place, position (of employment).
5. passage or part (of something written or spoken): Söylevimin bu yeri alkýþlanmaya deðer, deðil mi? This part of my speech merits applause, doesn´t it?
6. importance, place of importance: Bu maddenin sanayideki yeri yadsýnamaz. It can´t be denied that this material is of importance for industry.
7. mark (left by something): yara yeri scar left by a wound.
8. the earth, the ground: Yere düþtü. He fell to the ground. Bütün parasý yerde gömülü. All of his money is buried in the ground.
9. floor: Bebek yerde emekliyor. The baby´s crawling on the floor. Yerler halý kaplýydý. The floors were covered with rugs.
10. piece of land, piece of property: Kalamýþ´ta bir yer aldýk. We bought a piece of property in Kalamýþ.
11. terrain, region, area.
12. the earth, the planet earth.
–de instead of (preceded by a future participle): Tatlý yiyecek yerde meyve ye. Instead of eating sweet pastries, eat fruit.
– açmak /a/ to make way for, move aside for (someone) to pass.

– almak /da/
1. to be located in, be situated in (a place): Fethi ön sýrada yer alýyor. Fethi´s in the front row.
2. (for someone) to be involved in, have a part in (a job, a project).
3. to be in, appear in.

–ini almak
1. /ýn/ (for one person or thing) to take the place of (another).
2. to sit down in one´s appointed place, take one´s seat.
3. to stand in one´s appointed place, take one´s place.

–inden ayrýlmak to leave the place where one has been sitting or standing.

–e bakmak
1. to look at the ground, cast one´s eyes to the ground.
2. to have one foot in the grave.

–e bakan yürek yakan (someone) who is malicious and dangerous despite his innocent looks, who is a wolf in sheep´s clothing.
–i baþka olmak /ýn/ (for someone) to be a very special friend, have a special place in one´s heart, be one of one´s most intimate friends: Rakým için Süheyla´nýn yeri baþka. Süheyla has a very special place in Rakým´s heart.
–e batmak to vanish, disappear.
–ini beðenmek (for a plant) to grow well in the spot in which it´s been planted.
– belirteci gram. adverb of place.
–le beraber leveled to the ground, razed.
–le bir/yeksan etmek /ý/ to level (something) to the ground, raze.
–den bitme very short in stature, squat.
–ini bulmak to find the right niche for oneself, find one´s niche, find one´s place.
– cücesi short in stature but very capable or cunning.
–e çalmak/vurmak /ý/ to throw or hurl (something) to the ground.
–in dibine geçmek/batmak/girmek to feel very ashamed, feel like sinking through the floor or into the ground.

–ini doldurmak /ýn/
. to do one´s job well.
2. to fill (someone´s) shoes, perform well the functions formerly carried out by (someone else).

– etmek /da/
1. to leave a mark on.
2. (for something) to impress itself in (someone´s mind).

–e/––lere geçmek to feel very ashamed, feel like sinking through the floor or into the ground.
–ine geçmek /ýn/ (for one person or thing) to take the place of