Adam Warlock
Universe: Marvel Universe
Real Name: Adam Warlock
Aliases: Warlock, Him
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Warlock's existance
Occupation: Savior of Worlds
Citizenship: None
Place of Birth: The Beehive, Shard Island, Atlantic Ocean
Known Relatives: The Enclave (Creators), Ayesha (Genetic Twin), Stakar Vaughn Ogord (Nephew)
Group Affiliation: Former leader of the Infinity Watch
Education: Unknown

Warlock was then transported to Counter-Earth, an attempt by the High Evolutionary to create a Utopian society out of the framework of the original Earth. Unfortunately, it had fallen under the influence of the Man-Beast, a wolf that had been genetically modified into humanoid form by the High Evolutionary. In the process of ending the Man-Beast's regime, Warlock's narcissism led him to another death, this time by crucifixion. Warlock used his powers to resurrect himself. Warlock, in recreating the resurrection of Christ on Counter earth, lead to the creation of an organized religion planet wide; this also was the first step toward Warlock’s "God Complex".
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Aliases: Warlock, Him
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Warlock's existance
Occupation: Savior of Worlds
Citizenship: None
Place of Birth: The Beehive, Shard Island, Atlantic Ocean
Known Relatives: The Enclave (Creators), Ayesha (Genetic Twin), Stakar Vaughn Ogord (Nephew)
Group Affiliation: Former leader of the Infinity Watch
Education: Unknown

PowersAdam Warlock is an artificially created human who was born in a cocoon at a scientific complex called The Beehive. The goal of his creators, the Enclave, was to create and subsequently exploit the perfect human. While in the cocoon, he became aware of his creators' plans for him. He awoke from the cocoon and rebelled. Having not had a childhood or parents, Warlock was lacking in maturity and restraint. He first met Alicia Masters, who was brought to the Beehive to sculpt his face, as he initially radiated so much light that a sighted person could not see through. She found him encased in a cocoon, from which he shortly emerged, destroying his creators that he hated so much, and teleported away. Warlock later came into conflict with the Fantastic Four and Thor; during his encounter with Odinson, he was killed when he attempted to force Thor's sometime paramour Sif to become his mate. Adam was revived and his behavior improved when he met the being known as the High Evolutionary. Under his guidance, Warlock's life was given direction and purpose. Warlock also came into possession of the Soul Gem. The Soul Gem, one of the Infinity Gems, allowed Warlock to sense the souls of others and draw them into a dimension contained within the gem.
Adam Warlock possesses a number of superhuman properties and powers derived from his artificially determined genetic structure. His bone and muscle tissue is denser than human, endowing him with superhuman strength and resilience. Among his body's special adaptations are an enclave of cells able to tap and transform cosmic energy for personal use. Warlock could use this energy to enhance his physical strength, endurance, and powers of recuperation. He could also employ cosmic energy to negate the force of gravity beneath him, enabling him to fly. In an Earthlike atmosphere, Warlock was able to attain the speed of sound (770 miles per hour). He could use his cosmic energy to locate and enter natural space-warps (discontinuities in the fabric of space) in order to traverse interstellar space. He can also project cosmic energy from his hands as concussive force. Warlock's energy-manipulating powers waned at the time he was given the soul-gem by the High Evolutionary. No longer could he direct concussive force from his hands or enhance his strength. Whether this power limitation was caused by his symbiotic relationship with the soul-gem or some other factor is not yet known. When Warlock was summoned from the soul-gem to defeat Thanos, he seemed to possess these cosmic powers once more.
He is is able to spin a cocoon around him at will in a matter of seconds. He did so infrequently during his short life, usually to protect himself from mortal harm, and usually he would emerge from the cocoon at a further level of physical or mental maturity. It is not known where the substance of the cocoon came from, or where it went after he emerged from it.
Warlock gained a great deal of first-hand experience at hand-to-hand combat over the course of his life, and eventually became quite formidable. Warlock also is an accomplished self-taught philosopher.
ParaphernaliaThe Soul Gem, an Infinity gem that endows the user with the power to sense the souls of others and draw them into a dimension contained within the gem.
Warlock was then transported to Counter-Earth, an attempt by the High Evolutionary to create a Utopian society out of the framework of the original Earth. Unfortunately, it had fallen under the influence of the Man-Beast, a wolf that had been genetically modified into humanoid form by the High Evolutionary. In the process of ending the Man-Beast's regime, Warlock's narcissism led him to another death, this time by crucifixion. Warlock used his powers to resurrect himself. Warlock, in recreating the resurrection of Christ on Counter earth, lead to the creation of an organized religion planet wide; this also was the first step toward Warlock’s "God Complex".
Biyografi Konusu: Adam Warlock nereli hayatı kimdir.