
Newton'un hayatının İngilizcesi var mı? - Sayfa 2

En İyi Cevap Var Güncelleme: 6 Aralık 2011 Gösterim: 26.298 Cevap: 13
Misafir - avatarı
24 Mart 2011       Mesaj #11
Misafir - avatarı
newtonun haytı lazım ama ingilizce olarak çooooooooook acil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Misafir - avatarı
1 Nisan 2011       Mesaj #12
Misafir - avatarı
'Isaac Newton was born in Lincolnshire, England on January 4 1642'de. The farmer had lost his father three months before the birth. His mother married a second time. The second marriage with three half-brother, Isaac remained anneannesinde. Twelve-year-old Grantham'da post at King's School in Newton, graduated from this school 1661'de. Entered Trinity College, Cambridge University the same year. April 1665 received the bachelor's degree from this school. Will begin graduate studies at the time the university was closed because of the mess surrounding the outbreak of the plague.
Newton took refuge in his mother's farm in order to protect the outbreak, the most important discoveries made ​​during the two years spent here. 1667'de returned as a faculty member at Trinity College, and laid the basis for the differential and integral calculus, white light-colored reached. Because of the revolutionary nature of Newton inhibit each of these inventions in science most of the time after many years (for example, after 38 years of differential and integral calculus) published. Newton completed graduate work in the following year was appointed professor of mathematics at Cambridge University in 1669 at the age of 27 yet. 1671 made ​​the first mirror telescope, and the following year was elected a member of the Royal Society. Royal Society to release its color to the nature of that criticism, especially violently criticized by Robert Hooke in the closing completely on the Newton, the relationship between the world of science kesti.1675 at the two papers on optics led to new discussions. Hooke's articles is his invention of some of the results, have them come out of Newton claimed. 1678 as a result of all this discussion and criticism into spiritual crisis, but a close friend of the famous astronomer and mathematician Edmond Halley Newton efforts returned after six years of scientific studies.''
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Misafir - avatarı
19 Mayıs 2011       Mesaj #13
Misafir - avatarı
arkadaşlar bana yardım edin bana her hangi bir bilim insanının hayatı lazım 3 5 tane
mahmut gani - avatarı
mahmut gani
6 Aralık 2011       Mesaj #14
mahmut gani - avatarı
niwtonun ingilizçe hayatı varmı

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